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National Cancer Center of China

NCC Profile


About Us

Board of Director


Undertake national cancer prevention and control tasks

  • Lead the nationwide cancer prevention and control programs
  • Carry out the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients
  • Training professionals in cancer prevention and treatment
  • Carry out the basic research on cancer and promote the application and popularization of new knowledge and technology into the practice of cancer prevention and control


Prevent cancer, conquer cancer and serve for cancer patients



National Cancer Centre of China (NCCC) works as the National Cancer Registration Center, National Clinical Research Center in Oncology, National Quality Control Center for Cancer Standardized Diagnosis and Treatment, National Drug Clinical Research Center, and the National Cancer Prevention and Control Research and Information Exchange Center. NCCC undertakes a broad range of cancer-related projects covering the cancer registration and big data, cancer screening and intervention, standardized and individual diagnosis and treatment, cancer clinical trials. 





Name:National Cancer Centre China
Location:Beijing, China
Date of establishment:1958
Organization Type : Government Organization
Number of beds:1291
Total number of staff:2317 staff
Name:Administration logistics
Location:Beijing, China
Date of establishment:1958
Organization Type : Government Organization
Total number of staff:292 administrative and management staff
Name:Clinical Services
Location:Beijing, China
Date of establishment:1958
Organization Type : Departments (2)
Number of beds:NA
Total number of staff:610 doctors, 795 nurses
Name:Clinical Medical Technology
Location:Beijing, China
Date of establishment:1958
Organization Type : Departments (3)
Number of beds:NA
Total number of staff:392 Medical technicians
Name:Research Institute
Location:Beijing, China
Date of establishment:1962
Organization Type : Departments (4)
Number of beds:NA
Total number of staff:97 research staff
Name:Oncology Polyclinic
  1. Head & Neck Surgery
  2. Thoracic Surgery
  3. Abdominal Surgery
  4. Gynecological Oncology
  5. Urologic Surgery
  6. Neurosurgery & Orthopedics Ward
  7. Breast Surgery
  8. Medical Oncology
  9. Radiology
  10. Cancer Prevention and Physical Examination
  11. Operation Room Unit
  12. Anesthesiology
  13. Diagnostic Imaging
Name:Medical Technology Polyclinic
  1. PET-CT Centre
  2. Nuclear Medicine
  3. VIP Medical
  4. Intensive Care Unit
  5. Endoscopy
  6. Pathology
  7. Integrative Oncology
  8. Clinical Laboratory
  9. Transfusion Medicine
  10. Pharmacy
  11. Medical Records
  12. Supply

Key Activities

  • Assist the National Health Commission of China in formulating the National Cancer Prevention and Control Plans
  • Establish a national cancer prevention and control cooperation network, organize and carry out cancer registration and other information collection work
  • Draw up technical specifications and relevant standards for cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • Promote appropriate and effective prevention and control technology and explore the service mode of cancer prevention and control
  • Carry out the scientific research and translational research on cancer prevention and control
  • Carry out relevant training, academic exchanges and international cooperation

Key Research

No Research Fields
1 Cancer registration and big data
2 Cancer screening and intervention
3 Cancer aetiology and mechanism of cancer development 
4 Multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment on cancer
5 Individualized diagnosis and treatment 
6 Standardized diagnosis and treatment
7 Development of New anti-cancer drugs and techniques and  Evaluation of their use in cancer diagnosis and treatment

Cancer Profile

Total Population 1,390,000,000
Income Group Upper Middle
Total Deaths 9,846,000
Life Expectancy at birth Total 75
Male 74
Female 77
Cancer Mortality Profile
Age-Standardized Cancer Mortality Trends
Cancer Incidence
Adult Risk Factors Current tobacco smoking (2011 Data) Males 46.9%
Females 2.1%
Total 25.1%
Total alcohol per capita consumption, in litres of pure alcohol (2010 Data) Males 10.9
Females 2.2
Total 6.7
Physical inactivity (2010 Data) Males 22.2%
Females 25.4%
Total 23.8%
Obesity (2014 Data) Males 6.2%
Females 8.5%
Totals 7.3%
Household solid fuel use (2012 Data) Males NA
Females NA
Total 45%
Cancer Plans, Monitoring, and Surveillance Has an operational cancer policy/strategy/action plan Yes
Has a cancer registry    
Scope Population-based
Coverage National
Last Year of Data 2009
Cancer Primary Prevention Policies Tobacco Control Has an operational policy, strategy or action plan to reduce the burden of tobacco use Yes
Smoke-free legislation Up to two public places completely smoke-free
Tobacco dependence treatment NRT and/or some cessation services (neither cost-covered)
Warning labels Medium size warnings missing some appropriate characteristics OR large warnings missing many appropriate characteristics
Bans on advertising, promotion and sponsorship Ban on national television, radio and print media as well as on some but not all other forms of direct and/or indirect advertising
Tobacco taxes 26-50% of retail price is tax
Overweight and obesity prevention and control Has an operational policy, strategy or action plan for reducing overweight/obesity Yes
Physical inactivity prevention and control Has an operational policy, strategy or action plan to reduce physical inactivity and/or promote physical activity Yes
Harmful use of alcohol prevention and control Has an operational policy, strategy or action plan to reduce the harmful use of alcohol Yes
National Immunization Human Papillomavirus vaccination schedule NA
Hepatitis B vaccination schedule Birth, +1 month, +6 months
Hepatitis B vaccination coverage, infants 99%
Cancer Screening and Early Detection Cervical Cancer Cervical cytology (PAP) Generally available at the public primary health care level
Acetic Acid Vizualization (VIA) Generally available at the public primary health care level
Breast Cancer Breast palpation / clinical breast exam (CBE) Generally available at the public primary health care level
Mammogram Generally available at the public primary health care level
Colorectal Cancer Faecal occult blood test or faecal immunological test Generally available at the public primary health care level
Bowel cancer screening by exam or colonoscopy Generally available at the public primary health care level
Cancer Treatment and Palliative Care Radiotherapy Not generally available in the public health system
Total high energy teletherapy units / million inhabitants 1
Number of radiotherapy centres 1105
Number of radiation oncologists 7121
Chemotherapy (medicines not specified) Not generally available in the public health system
Oral morphine (formulation not specified) Generally available in the public health system
Non-methadone morphine equivalent consumption per cancer death (mg) NA
Community/home care for people with advanced stage cancer and other NCDs Not generally available
SOURCE Extracted from: WHO Cancer Country Profiles 2014 (https://www.who.int/cancer/country-profiles/chn_en.pdf?ua=1) as of 2019/05/30

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